Welcome to GUMC
We are excited that you are interested in visiting Grace United Methodist Church. We hope the information provided on this site will help make your first visit with us a spiritually uplifting experience.
The very first thing we’ll ask of you is simple: relax. No matter what your spiritual background or past, we want you to “come as you are” because that’s how we believe God takes us — “as is.” From there, we’ll help each other grow to be all God intended us to be. As a community of Christ followers, we strive to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope.
What are services like?
Our Worship service include a time of worship and a message that communicates biblical truth in a relevant and meaningful way. We want you to feel comfortable enough to connect with the personal hope and practical help that God offers us.
What about my Kids?
We know that as a parent you to need be sure that your children are in a SAFE, fun environment. During our Sunday service and Sunday School, we offer age appropriate care and programs for infants through fifth grade. All of our volunteers adhere to Safe Sanctuary policies, so you can be assured your children will receive the highest level of care. And trust us, they’ll love it!

We meet at 250 N. Mill St. in Nashville, IL. Click here for specific directions. Our Worship service begins at 10:15am. We also have small groups starting at 9:00am (Nursery is available.) Parking and our main entrance is also located in the rear.

We affirm our faith as contained in the historic creeds and doctrines of the universal church. We are Wesleyan in emphasis and theology. We believe that all who come to know the one true God, through faith in the finished work of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Christian faith is the free gift of God in the meeting with him in Jesus Christ. In this meeting we become free to hear the word of grace spoken in Christ, free to know and live in the truth of Christ, and free to publicly confess our faith in Christ. To reach our local community as we embody God's love, make disciples for Jesus Christ and continue in service to the world in his name. Our values are grounded in Holy Scripture as understood through the revelation of God, in Jesus Christ. God desires that all come to him through belief in his Son, Jesus Christ. God's desire is our desire and we envision a community and a world in which everyone is whole and fully alive in Christ. Our purpose is to be a revived church that becomes the catalyst for the rebirth of effective charity, neighborliness, family values and economic stability. We seek to close the gap between the reality of our present existence and the vision above. For more information about United Methodist Church beliefs, click the link below.